Cotman Watercolours Winsor & Newton

R 109.00

Cotman Watercolours Winsor & Newton come in 40 colours

  • They are affordable but uncompromising on quality with excellent tinting strength
  • Available individually
  • 8ml tubes
Additional Info

The Cotman Watercolours Winsor & Newton range has a more uniform consistency than the Artists’ Water Colour range and this benefits beginners as there is less to learn about each individual pigment.

The range also relates to the Winsor & Newton Artists’ Water Colour range, this enables artists to use colours from both ranges with minimal adjustment to their technique.

These paints work well on a good quality watercolour paper such as the Daler Rowney Aquafine, Arches, Langton and many more:

Use good quality watercolour brushes for a professional outcome:

Additional Info

003 Alizarin Crimson, 074 Burnt Sienna, 076 Burnt Umber, 090 Cad Orange, 095 Cad Red H, 098 Cad Red D, 103 Cad Red P, 109 Cad Yellow, 119 Cad Yellow P, 139 Cerulean, 150 Chinese White, 179 Cobalt Blue, 231 Diox Violet, 235 Emerald, 266 Gamboge, 312 Hook Gr D, 314 Hook Gr L, 317 Indian Red, 322 Indigo, 327 Intense B, 329 Intense G, 331 Ivory Black, 337 Lamp Black, 346 Lemon Yellow, 362 Light Red, 398 Mauve, 465 Paynes, 502 Perm Rose, 538 Prussian, 544 Purple La, 552 Raw Sienna, 554 Raw Umber, 580 Rose Madder, 599 Sap Green, 609 Sepia, 654 Turquoise, 660 Ultramarine, 676 Van Dyk Brown, 696 Viridian, 744 Yellow Ochre
