Lukas Cryl Studio Acrylic Paints 75ml

R 115.00

Lukas Cryl Studio acrylic paints 75ml

  • Perfect for beginners as well as professionals
  • High pigmentation
  • Light fast
  • Exceptional coverage
  • Permanent colour
Additional Info

Lukas Cryl Studio acrylic paints 75ml have a medium viscosity of the acrylic resin binder. This is excellent for painting techniques from wet-on-wet washes through to light structure without the use of a medium. It dries to an elastic, non-shrinking or cracking film. Surfaces for the Lukas Cryl Studio acrylics to be used on are paper, canvas, board, plastic and many more.

Being water-mixable, is is fast-drying and easy to clean brushes and palettes with soap and water before drying.

Additional Info

4608 Titanium white, 4609 Beige, 4610 Sand, 4620 Primary yellow, 4621 Pastel yellow, 4622 Flesh, 4623 Apricot, 4624 Indian yellow, 4626 Cad. yellow, 4629 Cad. orange, 4631 Yellow ochre, 4632 Caramel, 4634 Naples yellow, 4639 Raw sienna, 4649 Rose, 4650 Magenta red, 4655 Terracotta, 4661 Carmine, 4666 Alizarin crimson, 4672 Cad red light, 4674 Cad red deep, 4686 Vermillion, 4702 Brown ochre, 4709 Burnt sienna, 4710 Raw umber, 4711 Burnt umber, 4720 Primary cyan, 4721 Cerulean blue, 4722 Indigo, 4723 Arctic, 4724 Turquoise, 4725 Cobalt blue, 4729 Mauve, 4730 Lavender, 4732 Perm. violet, 4734 Prussian blue, 4737 Ultramarine, 4744 Steel blue, 4745 Phthalo blue, 4751 Chrome green, 4752 Fern, 4754 Viridian, 4757 Olive green, 4758 Green earth, 4762 Mint, 4763 Perm. green, 4765 Sap green, 4784 Paynes grey, 4785 Light grey, 4799 Iron oxide black
