Soft Pastels – Koh-i-Noor

R 29.00

Soft Pastels by Koh-i-Noor –

  • Smooth and soft
  • 10mm diameter.
  • Easily wipes off the surface.
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Crafted with premium pigments, these Soft Pastels by Koh-i-Noor  provide a smooth and silky application on paper or other surfaces. They allow for easy shading and cross-hatching due to their low adhesion. Effortlessly blend and mix the vibrant colors to achieve a range of tones. Safe and non-toxic, these pastels are suitable for artists of all ages.

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1 Titanium White, 2 Chrome Yellow, 3 Dark Ochre, 5 Carmine Red, 7 Perm Green, 8 Chromium Green, 11 Caput Mortuum, 12 Ivory Black, 13 Zinc Yellow, 14 Light Ochre, 16 Chromium Green, 17 Metal Grey, 18 Paris Blue, 19 Blue Violet, 20 Persian Red, 21 Naples Yellow, 22 Reddish Orange, 23 Indian Red, 24 Olive Dk Green, 25 Zinc White, 26 Berlin Blue, 27 Ice Blue, 28 Lt Orange, 29 Burnt Sienna, 30 Caput Mortuum Dark, 33 Pearl Grey, 34 Red Violet, 35 Grey Light, 36 Yellow Lemon, 37 Grass Green, 40 Orange Dark, 41 Ultramarine Lt, 42 Ultramarine, 43 Van Dyke Brown, 44 Mouse Grey, 45 Fawn, 47 Vermillion, 48 Blue Cobalt, 51 English Red, 70 Ultramarine Dark, 133 Rosekraplak, 145 Hookers Green, 148 Green Olive, 152 Chromixide Green, 173 Persian Pink, 174 Old Rose, 182 Dark Violet, 187 Cerulean Blue, 209 Sienna Nature, 212 Sienna

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