Lukas Studio Oil Paint Titanium White 75ml

R 215.00

The Lukas Studio Oil Paint Titanium White 75ml has a heavy pigment load

  • Excellent light fastness
  • Dry to the touch in 2 to 4 days
  • Exclusive blend of linseed oil, sunflower oil and beeswax
  • Great quality professional paints

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: 010620
Additional Info

LUKAS STUDIO OIL PAINT is a modern premium quality, yet economical oil paint. It contains brilliantly coloured and technically safe pigments with excellent lightfastness. A trace of the finest bleached beeswax as a component of the consistency agent gives the colour the smooth, buttery, consistency desired by the painter. The binders are, as in all LUKAS oil paint assortments, exclusively pure, vegetable linseed and sunflower oils in special quality.

The Lukas Studio Oil Paint range allows painting directly from the tube with a fine nuance.

Very interesting tools for works with Lukas Studio oil colour are also palette knives. With these the colour can be applied “Impasto” and in thick layers. They are available in various forms and sizes and allow accurate modelling of structures. Lukas Studio oil colour can be used on various painting surfaces.

Perfect For:

  • Well-balanced range of colour
  • Smooth, buttery consistency
  • High-quality pigments
  • Strong paint film
  • Paint at an affordable cost
  • Excellent feel with the brush, or palette knife


Additional Info

204 Zinc white, 207 Opaque white, 208 Titanium white, 208 Titanium white-75ml, 208 Titanium white-200ml, 209 Beige, 210 Lemon yellow, 212 Bright yellow, 222 Peach pink, 224 Indian yellow, 226 Cad yellow light, 227 Cad yellow, 229 Cad orange, 231 Yellow Ochre, 234 Naples yellow, 236 Naples yellow red, 239 Raw sienna, 239 Raw Sienna – 75ml, 250 Magenta, 252 Caput mort, 254 English red, 261 Carmine, 266 Alizarin crimson, 272 Cad red light, 274 Cad red deep, 286 Vermillion, 301 Cassel, 309 Burnt sienna, 310 Raw umber, 311 Burnt umber, 312 Van dyke brown, 320 Cyan blue, 321 Cerulean blue, 322 Indigo, 323 Cobalt blue, 327 Cobalt violet, 329 Mauve, 334 Prussian blue, 337 Ultramarine, 338 Sky blue, 345 Phthalo blue, 354 Viridian, 355 Turquoise, 356 Emerald green, 357 Olive green, 358 Green earth, 363 Perm. green, 365 Sap green, 375 Green yellow, 382 Ivory black, 384 Paynes grey
