The Gioconda Medium Wooden Box Set by KOH-I-NOOR contains a selection of dry media for creative inspiration.
– Watercolour GIOCONDA AQUARELLE 8800 2B, 4B, 6B
– Pastel white wood GIOCONDA WHITE CHALK 8801
– Sepia wood RED CHALK 8802, 8803 SEPIA LIGHT, DARK SEPIA 8804
– Coal wood CHARCOAL GIOCONDA 8810/2
– Pastel black wood GIOCONDA NEGRO 8815/2
– Pencils treeless PROGRESSO 8911 2B, 8B,
– Pencil woodfree PROGRESSO AQARELL 8912 4B
– Contributions: White 4371 pastel, pastel black 4345/2, sepia 4373, 4377 light brown sepia, sepia dark brown 4378, graphite 4865 / 2B / 4B / 6B, coal pressed 8673/1,
– Thick graphite pencil 8971/1
– 12 dry pastels in shades of gray,
– 2 pcs. Of dry pastels in shades of brown,
– White and black pastels,
– Eraser bread 6423.