Clarke Colour Spray Cans

R 75.00

Clarke Colour spray can:

  • Clarke Colours paints were made gentle for floral arrangements and dry flowers, safe for use on various surfaces like fresh and dried flowers, polystyrene, plastics, and wood.
  • The Art & Craft spray paints dry quickly and work well on many surfaces, especially polystyrene and craft projects.
  • To use, hold the spray can about 20-35 cm away from the surface and apply multiple thin coats.
  • After each use, invert the can and spray briefly to clear the nozzle for trouble-free reuse.
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Clarke Colour Spray Cans:

Clarke Colours range of paints was initially formulated to be soft and gentle enough to be used on floral
arrangements and dry flowers to brighten and beautify their blooms. Our fluorescent, pastel, metallic and brilliant colours are therefore safe to be used on all surfaces whether it be fresh and dried flowers, polystyrene, plastics, wood, etc.

The Art & Craft sprays are exceptionally quick drying, and produce a most attractive finish on virtually any surface. Our spray paints are particularly recommended for use on polystyrene and in the arts and crafts environment.

To apply, spray with the can approximately 20-35 cm from the surface to be painted. Move the can gently and smoothly to-and-fro and build up successive coats of paint.

Note: To prevent blockage in the nozzle, and ensure trouble free repeat usage of the product; invert the can and spray for a few seconds to clear the valve and nozzle after use. 

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Bright gold, Bright red, Lime green, Signal red
