Nudes 08 – Leonardo Collection

R 179.00

Nudes 08, Leonardo Collection

  • focuses on the use of colour in general and the composition particular to oils when painting nude figures
  • is the ideal tool for any beginning artist looking to learn about drawing and painting.
  • a valuable reference for accomplished artists as well
  • each book offers perfectly directed and easy to follow illustrations with clear explanations.

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: 030468
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Nudes 08, Leonardo Collection

Many art schools around the world have already adopted this book series for their classrooms and curriculums due to each book’s plain language and accessibility to new or even non-artists.

Leonardo Collection books have a step-by-step demonstrative approach from beginner topics to advanced techniques and composition. Learn at your own pace in a fun and easy way with a wide variety of subject matters.

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