Liquid Surface Primer – Grey (40ml) – Tamiya

R 95.00

In order to smooth over small scratches etc., many modelers have created their own liquified putty by dissolving putty with lacquer thinner. Tamiya now makes this process a whole lot easier by releasing our very own liquified putty, Liquid Surface Primer. Just brush on over scratches, rough areas etc. and you will get that perfect smooth finish.

Applies easily to small areas using a modeling brush
Can be used on plastic, metal and wooden models
Can be further diluted using Tamiya Lacquer Thinner, allowing it to be used in airbrushes.
1 bottle contains 40ml

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: 001077
Additional Info

Liquid Surface Primer – Grey (40ml) – Tamiya

  • Applies easily to small areas using a modelling brush.
  • Can be used on plastic, metal and wooden models.
  • Can be further diluted using Tamiya Lacquer Thinner, allowing it to be used in airbrushes.

1 bottle contains 40ml

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