Westminister Chime Instructions
1. After attaching the clock to the dial, unclip the pendulum at the back of the clock.
2. Peel off the plastic protective coating odd the hour and the minute hands.
3. Place the hour hand gently but firmly on the shaft at the 12 o’clock mark. 4. Connect the two wires from the LC to the 2 wires from the clock in no particular order.
5. Insert 2 batteries in the Chime LC speaker and 1x battery into the clock movement.
6. Turn the hand one full revolution using the thumb-wheel setting screw located behind the clock movement until you hear the chime sound.
7. According to the number of chimes heard, remove both hands and place them on the full our corresponding to the number of chimes sounded, i.e. if the chime sounded three times, place the hands to the full 3 o’clock position.
8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 until the chime and hour and minute hands are synchronized.
9. After the chime is synchronized, hook the bob onto its hangar and place the second hand into position.
10. Ensure the clock is in an upright and level position to ensure that the pendulum swings freely.