Flowers 23 – Leonardo Collection

R 179.00

Flowers 23, Leonardo Collection – 

  • Designed for beginners and a strong support for professional artists.
  • Includes oil paintings and pencil and charcoal sketches
  • Clear explanations, plain language
  • Well-directed choice of illustrations

Only 2 left in stock

SKU: 003012
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Flowers 23, Leonardo Collection includes

includes a collection of flowers painted in oils. As is customary in many volumes of the series, the black-and-white section showcases an assortment of pencil and charcoal sketches. Designed for beginners and a strong support for professional artists.

The Leonardo Collection stands out for its clear explanations, plain language, and especially for its intelligent, well-directed choice of illustrations. The Collection offers information on methods and strategies in both drawing and painting, starting from the basics of drawing and gradually presenting various media and techniques in a vast range of subjects.

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