Lukas Oil 1862 Series

R 189.00R 430.00

Lukas Oil 1862 Series

  • Range of 37ml tubes
  • A very smooth premium quality oil paint with a consistent ground particle size.
Additional Info

Lukas Oil 1862 Series

  • Created over 150 years ago, these oils are a premium quality oil paint
  • Very smooth with a consistent ground particle size
  • Triple-mill process to produce this superb oil paint
  • Palette based on those used by old masters
  • Increase painting output
  • Outstanding lightfastness
  • Non-yellowing sunflower oil
  • Shorter drying time
  • Dry to the touch usually in 2 to 4 days

Dynasty 8300 Series brushes are good quality oil brushes to use with the Lukas Oil 1862 Series.

Dynasty Series 8300 Brushes

Additional Info

0004 Zinc white, 0007 Opaque white, 0009 Beige, 0010 Primary yellow, 0012 Brilliant yellow, 0024 Indian yellow, 0025 Cad yellow lemon, 0026 Cad yellow light, 0027 Cad yellow, 0029 Cad orange, 0034 Prussian blue, 0036 Naples yellow, 0039 Raw sienna, 0045 Perm yellow light, 0047 Permanent yellow deep, 0048 Permanent orange, 0049 Lukas red, 0050 Magenta red, 0052 Caput mortuum, 0054 English red, 0061 Carmine, 072 Cad red light, 0080 Geranium lake, 0085 Vermillion light, 0086 Vermillion red, 0100 Permanent red, 0109 Burnt sienna, 0111 Burnt umber, 0112 Van dyck brown, 0119 Manganese cerulean blue, 0120 Cyan, 0121 Cerulean blue, 0124 Cerulean blue, 0125 Cobalt blue, 0129 Mauve, 0130 Cobalt violet, 0134 Prussian blue, 0140 Ultramarine violet, 0152 Cobalt green, 0153 Oxide of chromium, 0154 Viridian, 0158 Green earth, 0163 Permanent green, 0167 Emerald green, 0184 Paynes grey, 0186 Blue black, 0192 Cold grey, 0194 Phthalo green, 0198 Gold metallic, 0199 Silver metallic
