We have an assortment of products to make your Halloween makeup extra special this year!

Here are our favourite ‘ingredients’ for making ghoulish creatures, zombies, witches and body parts:

Alja-Safe is perfect for making moulds of fingers, toes, hands and feet.

Body Double Silk can be used for faces, heads and larger body parts.

Eco-Flex and Dragon Skin 10NV for creepy flesh-like castings – which can be tinted with Silc Pig or, airbrushed afterwards with Psycho Paint (tinted with Silc Pig).

Our Liquid Latex is a low odour latex specially formulated for ‘on-skin’ special effects make up and body painting.

What is Halloween without some blood and gore?! Yup, we have blood too – Blood Base and the Ultimate Blood Kit.

Create realistic looking on-skin wounds, scars, cuts, burns and more with Skin Tite and the Ultimate Wound Kit.

Lastly, no Halloween is complete without a zombie or two. The Ultimate Zombie Kit is perfect for any ‘wannabee’ Zombie…Zombie Teeth included!!!